Dating App For ESF Students Allows Users To Compare Peers To Trees

While girls at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry have been described as “down to earth,” directly comparing them to trees is an entirely new concept.

Branchout, a new social networking site for ESF students, allows guys to properly express their feelings about women by comparing them to trees and plants.

Modeled after the popular and degrading app Lulu, Branchout allows men to rate women by answering a series of prompts.  Prime examples include: “Does this girl smell more like a sub-alpine fir, cattails, or a ginko tree?” and “If John Muir walked by this girl, he would…

A) sample her needles,

B) turn her sap into syrup to pour on his pancakes,

C) write a poem about her, or

D)  make boards out her in order to build his cabin.”

The app then compiles the answers and gives girls a ratings on a scale of 1 to 10.

Branchout also allows male users to choose from hashtags to accurately describe their female specimen, or create their own.

John Prescott, a junior at ESf, developed “#coveredinlichen,” to describe girls who don’t shave.

Prescott said he wasn’t surprised at all when this hashtag became viral in the ESF community. He’s currently working on a new hashtag, “#belongsinthegreenhouse” for girls who are “immature” or who “just haven’t bloomed yet.”

When asked about how they felt, girls at ESF don’t seem bothered by this new social media phenomenon. Brooke McKenzie, a wildlife science major, affirmed her peers by saying, “In a world where women are often treated like objects, I would much rather be treated like a tree.”

5 Coziest Spots To Get Mugged On Campus

With cold weather and loads of homework on the horizon, there’s no better time than now to go on a lonesome, late night campus stroll. But watch out—you might not be alone! Here are the top five coziest spots to get mugged on campus. 

1. The Rose Garden



Thornden Park is infused with over 100 years of coziness history. From its rustic brick walkways and sprawling amphitheater, to the mysterious public pool, it’s more than easy for a lone wanderer to get lost within himself. But coziest of them all is the Rose Garden, located at the park’s southwest corner. Here, rose vines climb the coziest arbors to ever appear on your ex-girlfriend’s Instagram. Could you think of a cozier spot on the University Hill to call for help with empty pockets as your fresh cuts, bruises, and potentially deep stab wounds seep blood onto that rich, rich soil?  

2. The Store Between BBB and the Housing Project

the store.jpg


Lest we forget the bottom of the hill, where nestled between freshmen dormitory BBB and an ambiguous public housing project is a cozy corner store stocked to the brim with Funions, stale Oreo cookies, discounted cigarettes, and the warm sense of home. We couldn’t think of a cozier place to use your older brother’s ID to buy you and your suite mates PBR. But be careful—that cash register is behind plexiglass for a reason! Don’t let your guard down and remember to keep your hands in the air! 

3. Moon Library, SUNY-ESF



Dimly lit? check

Musty? check.

This super earthy library is open until 11 on most weeknights, but tread lightly! SUNY- ESF nighttime library dwellers are known to volatile and hungry. They’ll be quick to empty any outsiders’ pockets, and there is no guarantee that they don’t have rabies! 

4. South Campus


From apartment-sized storage container to apartment-sized storage container, this little slice of paradise just south of main campus is perfect for a nice wetland stroll. But if you’re looking for your friend’s 20th birthday rager and get off at the wrong stop, take in a deep breathe of that sweet, southern air, and don’t panic as you circle around building after building, searching for numbers that don’t seem to exist as the battery of your iPhone 5 slowly depletes. Wasn’t it worth that bus ride to be lost in so much coziness?

5. Phi Psi


Located just off campus in a mid-20th century Victorian, it could, at first glance, be mistaken for Grammy’s summer cottage in Newport. But don’t be fooled by the welcoming faces of 20-year-old children clad in oversized sweatshirts and cargo shorts. These guys stay on porch duty 24-hours per day just waiting for one lonely pedestrian to flash a sign of weakness so they can rip the lanyard from one pocket and your wallet from the other. 

Delicious and Instagram-worthy Meals, #2 Looks Amazing!

We thought these meals looked great in person, but wait until you see what happens when these “foodies” shared them on Instagram.


1. Carne Picata Burritos



Mmm, nothing like a burrito after a long day of class.

I wonder how it looks when it comes out your ass?!




I’ll take it to go please!


2. Spaghetti and Meatballs



Spaghetti and Meatballs is a zesty classic

In about an hour, you’ll feel fantastic!




I’d pair this meal with a cabernet sauvignon and a fresh roll of ultra soft charmin!


3. Dal (brown lentil curry)



Indian food, it’s a typical must

But don’t underestimate how quickly you’ll bust!




Thank you come again!

10 NOPE Species We’re Excited For Climate Change To Get Rid Of

Yesterday, hundred of thousands of people flocked to New York City to join the People’s Climate March. While that’s all well and good for some, The Kumquat likes to look at the bright side. Climate change doesn’t have to be all bad. Just look at this list of ten gross species that climate change is going to do away with for good!

1. Polar Bears



NOPE. Try again, polar bears. We’re done with you.


2. Black Rhino



Thanks, but no thanks, Rhino. Run the other way.


3. Poison Dart Frog



Off my planet, you poisonous little bastard. 


4. Laysan Duck



Quack, quack, die.


5. American Hart’s Tongue Fern



There’s only room on this planet for one of us,  American Hart’s Tongue Fern. 


6. Yangtze Finless Porpoise



Yeah…we liked you better when you had fins.


7. Bluefin Tuna



We’re going to have to ask you to leave. Sorry not sorry, tuna.


8. Hawaiian Coot



Nuh-uh…No, thank you.


9. Paramecium Bursaria



Fuck this guy.


10. Humans



Do less.

Euclid Avenue Benches Reduce Crime, Poverty, Litter

It started out like any other night for 19-year-old Shawn Miller. He woke up from his nap, slid into his favorite baggy grey hoodie, and rode his stolen low rider bike to the University Hill. But just as he had started creeping behind an unsuspecting college student, he saw it: a blue bench, beckoning him to “sit back and enjoy the University Neighborhood.”

And that’s exactly what he did. Miller sat on that blue bench and realized he was not living the life he wanted to live, and that he needed to make some changes.

“You know, every day I would just walk down the street, living in my own shell, just looking for the next iPhone to steal or unattended laptop to take. Those benches changed the way I looked at everything. I never thought before to just sit down and relax and, you know, enjoy the neighborhood. Now, I can never go back to my old ways,” he said.

Miller is now enrolled at Onondaga Community College and is studying to become an electrical engineer.

But his life isn’t the only who’s been changed for the better. Recent reports indicate that since the installment of the benches, crime rates have shrunk 87 percent. Students have been throwing solo cups and trash into University Hill trashcans. City-wide employment is on the rise.

“I knew this would work,” said Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud.

The city plans to install 500 new benches by the end of the year.

Top 10 Ways To Avoid Getting Caught Saying F*ggot-A** N*gger On Camera

From rappers to college soccer players, it happens to the best of us—one minute you’re having a great time with your friends, the next you’re screaming racist and homophobic slurs into the night. So before you have your next bigot-oopsy, read these 10 foolproof ways to make sure it doesn’t end up on camera.

1. Camera’s on? Stop saying f*ggot-a** n*gger.

2. Camera’s on? Don’t say anything that rhymes with f*ggot-*a** n*gger.

3. Camera’s on? As a precaution, don’t think the words f*ggot-*a** n*gger.

4. Camera’s on? Before you speak, think: “Is there a chance my mother will see this?”

5. Camera’s on? Before you speak, think: “Is there any chance Bleacher Report will be reporting on this?”

6. Develop a healthy sense of white guilt.

7. Fein tourettes!

8. If the temptation is just too hard to resist, scream f*ggot-*a** n*gger into your pillow every night before you say your prayers.

9. If that doesn’t get it out of your system, write f*ggot-*a** n*gger in your notebook 20 times, crumble that paper into a ball, and throw that ball at a random passerby.

10. And if that doesn’t work, just cut off your tongue. This way you’ll never utter the words  f*ggot-*a** n*gger again.

Hiring An ESF Student Is Now Tax Deductible

To encourage employers to consider hiring more wildlife science, forest health, and aquatics and fisheries majors, the State of New York has officially made employing SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry students a benefit on tax returns. Considered a stimulus for the green job sector, this is predicted to launch New York as the national leader in environmental issues, the biggest of which is the unemployment of college graduates with environmental degrees.

Governor Andrew Cuomo made the statement last month that hiring an ESF student is equivalent to “donating to a desperate charity.”  His statement echoed reports that state and national parks, which have become prime ESF habitat, are now overrun with homeless ESF students fighting over trees.

During the academic school year, generous fraternities and sororities have taken to hiring ESF students. George Spektor, a business major in Sigma Phi Epsilon, admitted, “The ESF students seem very grateful and respectful. I always feel fulfilled when I see them cleaning my bathroom when I throw up all over the tiles after a classic blackout Friday.”

Other “landscape architecture” majors have found success doing yard work on fraternity property. “After spending the summer volunteering on an organic farm in California, I thought I could apply my knowledge to start a garden at FIJI,” said landscape architect Richard Baker.

Dylan Comerford, a brother at FIJI, admits that he was surprised at how much he appreciated the garden. “At first I thought all the other frats would make fun of us.” he said. ”But once I tasted Richard’s cherry tomatoes, no amount of macho culture could pry fruits of his hard labor from my grasp.”

Gardener Baker isn’t allowed to eat any of the tomatoes that he cultivates for FIJI, but he said that he’s just happy that he is expanding the market for organic groceries, and that he is employed.

The Man Corner: Five Grievances

Before I begin to outline the ways males across this planet are being relegated, instigated, perpetrated and taken advantage of, let me make a quick disclaimer: I love women. I love looking at women in the laundry room, looking at women in my geography lecture, and sometimes I even ask them if I can get extra ceasar dressing. But the thing I don’t love about women is when they decide that just because they were slightly disatvantaged more than 100 yeras ago (but who wasn’t back then) they can suddenly push men out off our pedestal. A pedestal we earned with hard labour and a history of genius. (See any women’s names on the Declaration of Independence? I didn’t think so.)

I believe our (meaning the Men’s Rights Advocates of the world) grievances can be summed up with five main points, beginning with the most important point of all:

1. Equal rights only come from equal strengths. If you ladies think you can have just as many privileges as the men of this country, then I urge you to fight me for them. If I can beat you in an arm wrestling contest (and we’re of equivalent weight, muscle mass, calorie intake schedule, etc.) and you beat me three times in a row, then go right ahead, I have no problem. Before that happens, I will continue to enjoy looking down on you through my glass floor.

2. Jars with difficult to open lids are our territory. Too often do I see women trying to upset the status quo by opening the lids to tightly sealed jars without coyly walking over to an obviously more adept male and asking him to open it for them. Well to all you ladies who think that suddenly you can do just as well without men, then I say good luck with lightbulbs, spiders, fixing the wi-fi, and a multitude of other problems you have the luxury of not dealing with.

3. Please stop wearing high-waisted shorts. If I have this right, and i’m %100 sure of my own opinions, women wear clothing to impress men. Therefore, if you want to impress men you need to stop wearing clothing that doesn’t make me want to yell compliments at you. I have no idea why a female would buy a piece of clothing if she doesn’t want to be noticed, but at this point I feel that I have to place this in the folder in my brain called “things I will never understand about women.” (It is an extremely small folder.)

4. Hold the door for us sometimes. I know i’m not alone in saying that when a man’s hands are full and he is trying to get into the lobby of a building, and a girl is in close proximity to the door, that girl should be obliged to help out, instead of ignoring the man’s struggle to get inside, awkwardly hiking the box up to his forearm so he can grasp the knob, having to pivot his body around the door with barely enough space to fit the box through the narrow gap in the doorway he created. Then of course the contents of the box starts to shift and pretty soon the box is tilting away from me and i’m trying desperately to keep this thing under control but despite my best efforts the box and me tumble to the ground and of course the packing tape isn’t enough to keep it sealed and the contents come spilling out for the world to see and people start shouting things like “how many dildos can a person need to own” which I won’t even dignify with an answer and of coursemy bottle of lubricant seemed to have cracked as a result of the fall and i’m not the kind of person who wants to go out and resupply lubricant every night so it’s a pretty sizeable bottle and it becomes a real dire situation for me, there, wheezing uncomfortably, fully lubricated on the lobby floor so what my point is is my landlord decided to bill me for the ruined lobby carpet so i’m asking all the empathetic Men’s Right’s Activists of the world to please send a few bucks my way by clicking the donate button at the bottom of this page.

5. Please support my kickstarter. I have invented a device that compresses farts into poops.

WHO SAID IT: Chancellor or Man Yelling on Marshall Street?

Our bespectacled Chancellor Kent Syverud is known as much for spouting off odd musings as he is for systematically sucking fun out of college campuses. But Kent’s strange yet entertaining ramblings may remind you of another beloved, off-kilter individual – the man who yells on Marshall Street. See if you can figure out which one of these Syracuse icons said what!

1. “You must repent. Oh, must you repent! Repent for your partying which leads to sin which leads to damnation which leads to hell! Turn, turn, turn only to the party of Christ!”


Kent. This view was uttered by the Chancellor in a press meeting announcing his disapproval of the Princeton Review’s ranking of Syracuse University as the #1 party school.


2.  “John 3:16”


Kent. After being announced as the new chancellor, Kent was seen holding a sign sporting the famous quote at Syracuse basketball games.


3. “Are flames what you want? The innocent shall be saved but the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”


Kent. Kent included this paraphrasing from the book of Revelations during his speech to freshman at this year’s Home to the Dome.


4. “Homosexuality is a sin!”


Kent. This zesty zinger was buried in the middle of Kent’s infamous “Deer vs. Bear” email. Don’t feel bad if you missed it, it was a ways down!


5. “We have to ensure that no matter what, a strong education is preserved and fostered. Children are the future and as long as we can get them a safe environment that promotes learning and growth, the future will be bright.”


Man yelling on Marshall Street. These inspiring words were spoken by the Marshall Street regular just after 5 AM on a Thursday.

Alpha Chi Rho Brothers Adopt Puppy To Change Terrible Reputation

Syracuse University is home to some of the most vibrant Greek life in the Central New York region. But among the scattered houses, one chapter stands out: Alpha Chi Rho.

Affectionately called “Crow,” sporting broken windows covered up with Pink Floyd tapestries, most students at SU have never actually been inside. One in 11 have been there by accident only to wake up in the fetal position outside a Taco Bell in Liverpool.

But during Spring Rush 2014, the brothers turned all that shadiness around. Puppies, reported Crow’s president Dave Cassenti, were the best thing that ever happened to the house. “Our membership has expanded exponentially with each puppy introduced, and we’ve noticed a direct relationship between puppy count and the number of bitches we pull,” said Cassenti. “All around brotherhood is improving.”

The house adopted a small white dog at the beginning of rush this semester, and it’s adorable barks can be heard from the street as the puppy runs in and around broken glass, playfully chewing on week-old Solo cups. Positive reports from third party outsiders are far more common now that the puppy has taken up residence at Crow.

“The only time I partied at Crow last semester I was handed a Four Loko laced with cocaine laced with roofies laced with crocodil and woke up in the hospital with a critical concussion and minor lacerations on my face,” reports Shelby from Day Hall. “But now that they have a puppy, I’m there every Thirsty Thursday!”

Local Delta Kappa Epsilon beer Olympian Josh Lawton agrees. “Crow was mad lame last semester. But now that they have puppies they have definitely been getting the puss, and I can’t help but respect that. Daps to Crow.”

The Kumquat will keep our readers up-to-date with new improvements to this house, but for now we strongly urge you to pay them a visit. Top-tier frats, watch your backs.

*paid for by the PR committee of Alpha Chi Rho*

Newhouse Student Sometimes Feels Bad About Himself, Then Remembers He Is In Newhouse

Like many students, sophomore advertising major Matthew Bell sometimes feels sad.

“It’s just this weird unhappiness I can’t explain,” Bell said. “Sometimes I’ll wake up and have a good day. Other times I’ll wake up and have a not-so-good day.”

On these “not-so-good days,” as Bell described them, he sometimes questions his self-worth, is unsure about the future, and spends hours wondering if his cardigan accurately expresses his personality.

“It’s just like, ‘Who am I?’ you know?” Bell said.

But Bell, who has been struggling with these kinds of mood swings since he could process human emotions, said he recently discovered a remedy. Whenever he feels sad, he remembers that he was accepted into the S.I . Newhouse School of Public Communications.

“All those feelings of mild self-hate just instantly disappear.” he said. “That one single thought is powerful enough to push all the negative ones away.”

Remembering you are in Newhouse is an effective and safe way to avoid feelings of sadness, said school psychologist Dr. Tracy Goldburg. “Instead of thoughtfully or productively thinking about who you are, remembering that you are in Newhouse skips that potentially painful process,” she said.

Other helpful tips Goldburg recommends include: hanging your Newhouse acceptance letter on your fridge, deep breathing exercises (deep breath in, and upon release whisper: “Conde Nast”), and complaining about “#newhouseprobs” on social media outlets.

“But remember,” Goldburg said, “A Newhouse problem is only an actual problem if you’re not in Newhouse.”

Freshman With Guitar Still Thinks He Is The Only One

After nearly two semesters in college, freshman Reid Baker still believes he is the only student at Syracuse University who owns a guitar.

Researchers are unsure how Baker has managed to remain so oblivious to the high guitar-to-white male student ratio—roughly 1:3—and Baker’s peers are appalled that he still walks around, guitar in hand, expectantly waiting for one of them to ask, “Oh, do you play?”

“Last September I guess it was, like, kind of respectable that he had a guitar,” says Leslie Rubin, Baker’s floormate in Shaw Hall. “But by October it was kind of obnoxious and now…it’s just sad, really.”

It’s not uncommon for students who frequent the third floor of Shaw to hear Baker playing some of his favorite songs, including “Crash Into Me,” “Blackbird,” and the first half of “Wish You Were Here.”

These are also the only songs Baker knows how to play.

“His walls are covered in Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix posters, and he can’t even play any of their songs,” Rubin said.

The student body will be relieved to know that Baker has plans to live on South Campus for the 2014-2015 school year.

ESF Student Teaches SU Student How To Climb Tree

Ever since he saw a Discovery Channel special on trees, freshman Dylan Koffman knew he would one day get to that high branch. Just last week, he got his wish.

Koffman knew from rumors going around Sadler Dining Hall that if there was one sure way to learn, it was to ask a student from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

“I’d seen an ESF student before, and I’ve definitely smelled one, so it took me less than a week to find one,” he said.

At first, Koffman had trouble getting the male ESF student to cooperate. He kept shifting from one barefoot to the other until Koffman convinced him that he benches “over two hundie” and has done “at least 1000 pull-ups since coming to college.”

The ESF student promised he would teach Koffman proper technique, but only if he didn’t wear cologne, left his cell phone at home, and wore earth tones to find himself “one with the tree.” Although abashed at the thought, Koffman said that it was worth almost any price to do something so prehistoric.

The ESF student, referred to as “Sage,” brought Koffman into Oakwood Cemetery to one of the tallest trees.

“At first, it felt like a foreign language. But within an hour, I was standing on my first branch,” said Koffman.

By the time Koffman reached the top, he experienced such a strong sense of euphoria that he no longer needed instruction. It was nearing nightfall, he said, and the smog-filled orange and yellow sunset was one of the best he’d ever seen.

But by then the ESF-er was nowhere to be found. Koffman realized that he had never been instructed on how to get back down.

“Sadler was about to close so I ended up in that tree all night until some local Syracuse lady found me in the morning and called the cops,” said Koffman.

Koffman warns the rest of the Syracuse community to keep an eye out for the mysterious ESF student, and to call the Department of Public Safety if any one knows an ESF character whose name sounds remotely like “Sage.”

Study Shows: Sliders Patties 50% Beef, 32% Corn Syrup, 18% Freshmen

A recent study conducted by Undergraduates For A Better Eating Experience found that Sliders Patties are made with 50 percent beef, 32 percent corn syrup and 18 percent freshmen.

Sliders’ head fry cook Chuck Braun, who conceptualized the recipe when he was only a delivery boy, said the idea came to him ten years ago during his sophomore year at Syracuse University. “I was mooing at a group freshmen leaving my dorm, when I realized the obvious solution to the rising beef costs at Sliders,” Braun said. “Instead of mooing at the freshman, I could use them as meat.”

Shipping beef can get costly, and the price of cow has been steadily rising since the destigmatization of mad cow disease in the late 1990s. But since Sliders’ recent partnership with Theta Chi, they now receive 30 percent of the profit of open parties and 100 percent of the freshmen. “The economic and flavor values were too good to overlook,” Braun said.

Though the meat is more tender in freshmen without alcohol in their systems, the recent renovation of the Carnegie hall doors forced Braun to explore other trapping methods. He has had the highest success rates through his partnership with Theta Chi, as well as at local slaughterhouse DJ’s. In August and early September, when lanyard sales are up, Braun looks forward to yet again being able to trap the juiciest meat of the newly migrated cattle.

“The trade was quantity for quality, really. I’m looking to expand my recipe to supermarkets and am going to need patties to sell,” said Braun. “Pinterest has been duplicating our recipe for years, but they never get the right amount of corn syrup.”

Guy Who Yells At Woman From Car Gets Date

Love has a way of sneaking up on us, sometimes even catching us off guard.  For Patricia Lemark, it found her at the corner of Euclid and Comstock.

She was running in leggings and her Juice Jam tank top when Syracuse University super senior Greg Cuneo drove past in his Jeep Patriot. He saw her, rolled down his window, and shouted “Those legs belong with me, honey!”

Patricia, genuinely flattered, strolled over to the car and handed him her number.

“What I look for in a man is confidence,” said Patricia. “And golly, that stunt turned me on!”  Patricia humbly acknowledged that men have catcalled at her before, but this time it felt different. This blunt release of oral testosterone was the sexiest way she’d been objectified in a while, she said.

“I’ve had men slap my ass and caught guys staring at my boobs,” she said, “but those guys come and go. Nothing says: ‘I’m insecure enough to try really, really hard to impress you’ like a guy screaming from his car window.”

Update: Since this article was written, the guy who screamed at Patricia out his car window took her on a date to Crow, and now they’re getting married and are going to live happily ever after.

Female Pledge Receives Insomnia, Balloons, and Mummified Heart Of Founding Sister

hree surprises greeted Alpha Xi Delta pledge Amy Stevens when she returned to her dorm room Wednesday night: a dozen of her favorite cookies, balloons in all of her favorite colors, and the mummified heart of one of the founding sisters.

Stevens immediately Instagrammed, Facebooked and Snapchatted the collection of gifts with the caption: “Best Big ever! #literallylovemybig.” She was most surprised to find the box of double chocolate chip cookies.

“I never told anyone what my favorite kind of cookie is!” she squealed, jumping up and down with excitement. “I can’t believe my Big knew! I am literally the luckiest Little in the entire world. I don’t know who my Big is but I already love her so much!”

While refreshing Facebook to check how many “likes” the picture had received, a teary-eyed Stevens told The Kumquat, “It is literally such an honor to have received the heart of Mary Lou Thompson. I know how important this is to the sisterhood. It’s just as important to me. I’ve felt a powerful connection to her corpse ever since they took us through the Vaults of Sisterhood on House Tour day.”

When asked about the future of the heart, Stevens said, “I literally cannot wait to pass on the heart of Mary Lou to my own little and keep this tradition alive. I can only dream that one day I will be important enough to have a part of me mummified and passed on for generations.”

For now, the heart will sit on her dresser, next to a paddle she decorated with her own blood.

Guy Invites Girl To Party After More Than 50 People Have RSVP’d On Facebook

Strategically planned love was in the air this week when sophomore Brendan Slater casually invited a female classmate to a house party—but only after waiting for the minimum 50 people to RSVP.  Fewer than that quota would automatically make the party “lame as hell,” according to Slater.

“Less than fifty means the basement won’t be crowded enough and she won’t wanna make out,” Slater elaborated. “Also, the DJ will probably suck. And the beer. And there won’t be any hot girls there.”

When reminded that he was already trying to court his female classmate, Slater replied, “Oh, right.”

When the time came to seal the deal, Slater resorted to inboxing his lady friend on Facebook because he “didn’t exactly have her number yet.”

Slater has been rejected from twelve different fraternities over two separate rush seasons, but “is totally gonna crush that shit next year.”

Newhouse Student Heartbroken After Petition To Add “Social Media” Major Fails to Receive Signatures

Undecided Newhouse sophomore Brianna Dow was heartbroken after a petition to make social media a major in Newhouse failed to receive enough signatures.

Though Dow sat in for three days tweeting at fellow Newhouse students and alumni from her professional Twitter, the petition acquired only two signatures.  The legitimacy of even those two signatures was called into question when it was discovered that the names signed were “Betta Thanartsandsciences” and “SI Newhouse.”

“I just don’t get it,” Dow said. “Social media is the medium of the future. Blog posts are the new novels and tweets are the new blog posts. Real art is short and raw. By 2020 the Oscars will be entirely composed of Vines. The Metropolitan will be an assortment of the finest Instagrams. After all, the right filter can move an audience to tears.”

After the failure of his petition, Dow is still working to make her dream a reality. She recently reached out to the iSchool, but upon finding out that the information technology school was in fact its own school and not a cute Apple sponsored branch of Newhouse, decided to become a self-made professional tweeter.

“If we don’t change with the times, we will be stuck in the times.” Dow said. “And not the New York Times either.”

Dow can be found at every Newhouse event tweeting deep, unique reflections about speakers.

SA Proposes Asian Ban In Lieu Of Smoking Ban

Last night, the Syracuse University Student Association held an open debate on the proposal to ban being Asian on campus.

Supporters of the ban say it would not only lessen the smoking problem, but also end feelings of inadequacy held by many non-Asian students. A former SA official, who retired to spend more time with his calzones, presented a Prezi that showed how the ban would decrease statistics across the board, including smoking, soft giggling, and more importantly, grading curves.

“I just feel as if I can’t measure up academically, you know? I mean aren’t most of them robots?”  said racist junior chemistry major Scott Smith, who also asserted that he’s “totally not racist.”

Another point brought up by Asian-ban supporters was that everyone will seem cuter. In a graph that was devoid of Hello Kitty stickers, the former SA member showed a decrease in polka dots, hats shaped like furry animals, and tiny everything. “Uggs and yoga pants will be seen as adorable yet again!” said one member of the sorority Gamma Delta Upsilon, who also suffers from long-term memory loss.

When it came time for opponents to explain their position, cabinet member Chris Lee took the floor and uttered one sole statement: “You are all horrible people.”

It was agreed by all to be the most productive SA meeting of the semester.

Conversatins About The Cold Create Lifelong Friendships

Although it was once assumed that cold weather had a chilling affect on personal relationships, an exchange between Freshman Johnny and Freshman Chris in the Boland elevator has proved that even conversations about the cold have the potential to thaw one’s frozen extremities, as well as one’s heart.

“It’s so cold,” Johnny said, as he entered the elevator.

“You should have worn a thicker coat,” was Chris’s reply.

“I know, dude. When I checked the weather I forgot about the wind chill,” Johnny said.

“Yeah. It’s a wind tunnel here,” Chris chuckled.

“You know, you look kind of familiar. Were you in my 8AM bio class last semester?”

“Oh yeah. That class sucked.”


Immediately after Freshman Johnny added Freshman Chris on Facebook, the duo signed on to room together next year, and are planning to meet each other’s respective families over the summer.