Spotter App Update Promises To Revolutionize Way Professors GPS Track Students Attendance

The future is here at SU! Professors are using Spotter, the app that allows professors to measure attendance through tracking the location of students from 30 minutes before classes begin until 10 minutes after class has ended.

A representative from the app states the original purpose of the app was to create a way to digitally police the whereabouts of Student-Athletes, but saw how the app could be improved by creating expansions that allow for the policing of GPS location of all students, regardless of if the school depends on their unpaid labor or not.

Some students fear that they could lose their scholarship if they do not meet attendance protocols or the app incorrectly reported their attendance, but the representative assured students that “So long as students are where the administration wants them to be at all times and the app consistently works perfectly, they have nothing to fear”.

The new and improved Spotter 2.0 promises to turn up the accountability to levels that have never been seen before. One student claimed that the app makes her feel like she is in a “crazy, science fiction movie.” Neat! Students are raving about the updates, check out these testimonials:

“The app went into my Bank of America app and fined me $40 because I couldn't prove that I actually needed to go to the bathroom. The next time I went to the bathroom it fined me $60 for lying about peeing when I really went to take a poop” Said Jack, a senior in Newhouse.

“The app started making a buzzing noise that wouldn't stop until I explained to it why I was walking to class from my ex’s apartment”. Said Kelsey, a sophomore in the I-School.

“Every time I am more than 10 minutes late to class the app texts my mom from my phone that I don't love her” says one freshman still getting used to the rigid structure and constant monitoring that the college experience is all about.

A member of the Syracuse Athletic Department claimed, “The app is great for making sure our students are accounted for at all times, and especially to allow Coaches to have further control over how their athletes spend their time as to prevent them from becoming snowflakes who want to be paid.'' When asked if students should be responsible for their own education, the Administrator instead went on an unprompted rant about immigration.

Students love the new direction the school is going. Loosey-goosey attendance policies are out and surveillance-based accountability is in. At Syracuse University, anonymity is only for those found to have committed hate crimes anyway.