Breaking: Student In Sadler Hall Tested Positive For The Cold

The Kumquat has confirmed that a student in Sadler Hall, who had been showing symptoms of the cold, was just diagnosed with the cold.

He was seen Friday night walking around without a jacket, which according to the CDC, increases your risk of getting the cold. After a few sleepless nights of sniffling, he sneezed multiple times in WRT 201. There are contradicting accounts of whether or not the projectile snot landed safely on his sleeve.

According to a Syracuse University Health Services report, the student has been in contact with at least 47 other students since contracting the cold — all of which are currently under careful observation.

The Kumquat will continue providing hourly coverage of this active cold outbreak. In the mean time, our experts recommend avoiding students who appear to be sniffling or coughing. “Please panic,” one SU health official said. “Remaining calm is futile.”